
Revival and Rehabilitation Scheme for Defunct MSMEs and Cashew processing Units

Date : 01/04/2020 - | Sector: Industries Department

The scheme envisages supporting defunct MSMEs in the manufacturing sector including cashew processing units through assistance in the form of capital grants and working capital incentives. Apply Online:


All MSMEs in manufacturing sector which are defunct for at least 6 months due to genuine issues including cashew processing enterprises that have potential to be revived and rehabilitated, are eligible for assistance under the scheme.


*Building Renovation- 25% of the total revival project cost limited to Rs.2 lakh: *Plant & Machinery and Electrification-40% of the total revival project cot limited to Rs.8 lakh. *Working Capital (Margin)- 50% margin of working Capital loan approved by Financial institution subject to.Assistance limited to Rs.2 lakhs for defunct MSMEs.Assistance limited to Rs.5 lakhs for Cashew Units.

How To Apply

Apply Online