Revival and Rehabilitation Scheme for Defunct MSMEs and Cashew processing Units
The scheme envisages supporting defunct MSMEs in the manufacturing sector including cashew processing units through assistance in the form of capital grants and working capital incentives. Apply Online:
All MSMEs in manufacturing sector which are defunct for at least 6 months due to genuine issues including cashew processing enterprises that have potential to be revived and rehabilitated, are eligible for assistance under the scheme.
*Building Renovation- 25% of the total revival project cost limited to Rs.2 lakh: *Plant & Machinery and Electrification-40% of the total revival project cot limited to Rs.8 lakh. *Working Capital (Margin)- 50% margin of working Capital loan approved by Financial institution subject to.Assistance limited to Rs.2 lakhs for defunct MSMEs.Assistance limited to Rs.5 lakhs for Cashew Units.
How To Apply
Apply Online