
Complete housing scheme – LIFE

Date : 01/04/2022 - | Sector: Life Mission

The objective of the Complete Housing Scheme is to provide safe and dignified houses to all the landless homeless in Kerala within the next five years to enable them to earn their own livelihood, to participate in social processes with dignity and to concentrate the benefit of all social welfare schemes including financial services.The beneficiaries of the scheme are the homeless with land, the homeless without land, those with unfinished housing/uninhabitable housing, those with temporary housing in the outlying, coastal or plantation areas. The project will be implemented by integrating the housing projects being implemented by various departments.A State-level Housing Commission has been formed for the implementation of the project, with the Chief Minister as Chairman and the Minister of Local Self-Government as Co-Chairman.
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The beneficiaries of the scheme are the homeless with land, the homeless without land, those with unfinished housing/uninhabitable housing, those with temporary housing in the outlying, coastal or plantation areas.


Housing project

How To Apply

Apply through local bodies