Filter Scheme category wise
Grant to Old age Home Inmates
Grant to inmates of Old Age Home life time
Medical Scheme
Medical Grant to poor and sick 2nd World War veterans One time
Medical/Engineering Entrance Coaching Grant
Grant to Children undergone Medical/Engineering Entrance Coaching As per Notification One time
Grant for 10th Class Sainik School Students
Grant for Children studying in Sainik School 10th STD Apply when the Child is in 10th Class One time
Orphan Grant
Grant for Orphan children of Ex-servicemen Till the age of 25 /Employment for Boys & till marriage /Employment for Girls
Marriage grant
To 2 daughters of ex-servicemen up to Havildar One time within 180 Days of Marriage.Submit online
Scholorship for Children
Scholorship for children studying for Professional & Technical studies As per Notification Twice during the period of Course
Sewing and Embroidary Machines to Self Employment Group 5 or more members
Free machines provided to Group of 5 or more Ex-servicemen /wives/widows
Complete housing scheme – LIFE
The objective of the Complete Housing Scheme is to provide safe and dignified houses to all the landless homeless in Kerala within the next five years to enable them to earn their own livelihood, to participate in social processes with dignity and to concentrate the benefit of all social welfare schemes including financial services.The beneficiaries of the scheme are the homeless with land, the homeless without land, those with unfinished…
Grant for Self Employment
Grant for Wives/widows of Ex-servicemen below 50 Years of Age