Filter Scheme category wise
Education Scholarship
To 2 children of ex-servicemen up to Havildar (Class 1 to Degree level) As per Notification in website of KSB Once in a Year. Submit online
Medical Relief Grant
Grant for incurable /Degenerative diseases of beneficiary above 60 years of age.
Grant for Organ Transplantation
Medical after Care grant for undergoning Organ Tranplantation Any time within 6 months of Transplant One time
Penury Grant
To Nonpensioner ex-servicemen/widows of 65 years and above living in penury Any time in FY & Renewal annually.Submit online
Coaching Class grant
Financial Assistance for attending Coaching Class for appearing in Exams for SET,NET,JRF,ICWA,CA ,Civil Service etc.
Training for Competitive Exams
Financial Assistance for attending Training for appearing in competitive Exams
Orphan Grant
To Orphan children of ex-servicemen till 21 years of age Any time in FY & Renewal annually. Submit online
Training for Self Employment
Financial Assistance for attending Self Employment Training
Serious Disease Grant
To nonpensioner ex-servicemen/widows. Any time in FY. Submit online